Thursday, November 27, 2014

Assignment 14: Flying Turkey - Keionna Bailey

In my family Thanksgiving has always been about the food and seeing the family whom you haven’t seen all year. We don’t sit around a huge table and say what we’re thankful for, mainly because there is just too many of us. Thanksgiving is just another family reunion; it’s a bunch of extended family and friends.

We always have two turkeys; one baked and the other deep fried and then we have a ham (which I know longer eat because of a terrifying experience a couple of years back). We have sides all the way to the ceiling. Which will probably last you until Christmas. Also this is a time where we draw names for our Secret Santas. But this is year is a little more unconventional considering we’re having it in a different State. It’s a little less of the family but it includes my brother this year. He hasn’t been to a Thanksgiving in years because he always has to work which is why we decided to bring thanksgiving to him.

Thanksgiving has to be one of the best holidays because it’s not about buying some expensive gift or going out of your way to experience fun like New Years. We might sit in the in the house all day and usually that’s boring for me but on this day it’s the most exciting because we share laughs and memories with one another that makes it more mesmerizing.

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