Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Assignment 11 -Michael Dickson

In English I sit next to Jacob Faulkner. We don't talk often because, honestly, we don't have much in common. We belong to different friend groups, we wear very different clothing, we have drastically different political views, we're just not that similar. However, I have gotten to know him fairly well, and feel that I could confidently answer the questions provided.
What colour is Jacob Faulkner? I would describe Jacob as brown. Not drab, dull brown or gross, dark brown, more of a woody brown, like a forest. He's down to earth, relaxed, intelligent, and environmentally conscious. He's brown.
Where do I see Jacob in five years? Honestly I don't really know enough about him to know his own personal goals or aspirations, but I can, with some amount of surety, say that he will more than likely be attending a college of some sort. Very likely a high-end, high-profile university studying whatever he's interested in.
What type of animal is Jacob? I haven't really given this much thought... but I think he would be a platypus. A moderately eccentric creature, fairly social, and not much is known about them generally, pretty much my entire knowledge of Jacob summed up in one animal.
So that's my neighbor... hope you enjoyed learning about him.

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