Sunday, September 14, 2014

Lucy Macfarlan

Disclaimer: This might come across as callous or offensive so know that I'm not one of the sucky people (I hope).

In order to discuss whether there really is a war between good and evil, one has to have some sort of concrete definition of each. This is virtually impossible. The reason that there is no clear cut definition of each(Obviously you could search google and find a "definition" for either, but even this won't ever give a concrete and infallible definition) is that something that one person might find so morally reprehensible might be commonplace and mundane to another. One of the best examples of this is abortion (sorry to drop the A-bomb on you). The reason that we have had such political and ethical strife over it is because each group has a different idea of what it means to get an abortion. To those who believe that life begins at conception, abortion is murder, which, I think we can all agree that at least unwarranted murder is fundamentally wrong/bad/immoral. However many other people consider the age of viabilty, trimesters, etc as benchmarks of when it is considered a parasite and when it is actually a baby, and really whats so wrong with getting rid of an unconious, dependent collection of cells? Long story short, I don't believe in absolute good or evil. Everything is grey. Sometimes we do wonderful, beautiful acts of kindness for our fellow man and sometimes we just suck( I'm looking at you G.W.B). I know some of you might of thought he was a good president. Different definitions of good. There's always someone worse.

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