Monday, September 1, 2014

Assignment 2: iwrite Mia Alexander

The fact that Steve Jobs changed my life never occurred to me before now. Reflecting on technology's effect on my life, it definitely affected me in a positive way. It did not start at Steve Jobs' innovations, but his genius did contribute a lot. Technology such as a cell phone has allowed me to talk to a friend when I am walking by myself in my neighborhood and he/she is not around. It has helped me prepare for an intimidating test the night before. Most importantly, it has been a safety blanket when I feel that I need it.

Technology has been an inconvenience in several situations. It is always a battle to not sit and watch a couple hours of Criminal Minds instead of finishing less appealing chores or errands. I have seen it negatively affect society; however it is ultimately beneficial. For example, cars make its drivers a little lazier, but at the same time, cars protect people from bad weather and save time (depending on traffic). Without a doubt, had I been raised 20 years earlier, my life would look completely different.

Honestly, I have no idea how my life would really be like had I grown up two decades ago, but it would not be the same. I would have more personal interactions with people for sure. More intellectual conversations would happen. I would prefer to live in that time because I would not only be young enough to experience technology now, but I would also have a life before technology. It would be easier for me to believe that my life is not controlled by technology than it is now,  as I type on a piece of technology right now.

Based on current circumstances, I theorize that technology will be so drastic that everyone will have some form of a phone in the next decade. With that change, I think privacy will also go out the window and everyone will constantly be recording their lives rather than enjoying it. Why not? We already expel our entire lives on social media. I have not been convinced if it is a bad thing or not but at this point, I do enjoy the privacy I have left.

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