Tuesday, May 19, 2015

the future- maddie wheeler

so junior year was kinda crazy. a lot of procrastination and me not doing my work just because when i get stressed out i just start forgetting things. there hasnt been one assignment i havent done because i didnt want to. its all been because i actually just forgot that assignment existed. so yeah. oops? ACT was kinda horrible and really stressful and makes me hate the American education system so much but that happened. marching band was amazing as usual, and so was lacrosse. towards the end of the year you start planning a little bit for the next year so we picked the marching band drum majors for next year and you have no idea how excited i am to be one of them. so that was a success, among a decent amount of failures on my memory's end. so lessons learned include try to remember things better maybe?? i write everything down but i still manage to do that. again, oops? junior year is supposed to be the year you figure out your future and stuff but my ideas for the future havent really changed much. still wanna go to ohio state for polysci and communications/ journalism. this post is really really scattered around and thats pretty representative of how this school year was for me and how this summer will be. gotta go to drum major academy, then got leadership training conference, then gotta go down to new orleans to eat a lot of cajun food and get really tan and listen to a lot of jazz, then gotta go on a service trip, then gotta go do marching bandy things. should be fun, should be busy, should be scary. a lot like how junior year was. fun, busy, scary. ehh, win some lose some i guess?

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