Sunday, May 24, 2015

Blog Post 26- Kayla Beebout

First of all, I felt like I was very well prepared for the AP test this year, so good job with that!  With specific feedback, I think I’ll start with the negatives and move to the positives so I begin and end with positive notes.  Okay, so the whole-class grading sessions for our timed writings weren’t my favorite.  Every class will have a different dynamic, and with our class dynamic, I feel like the group grading sessions turned into the same three or four people giving lots of feedback, and a few others sitting there doing nothing (sometimes not even writing scores).  Also, I feel like the requirements for the Socratic seminar write-ups were a bit too strict.  In timed writings, we have time to write a sentence, maybe two about each rhetorical choice we pick, not 150 words.

That being said, I thought that the Socratic seminar discussions were very interesting, even if they got a bit heated sometimes.  It was cool to get to delve so deep into a text with the rest of the class.  Also, I thought that the small group grading sessions were more effective because people were more inclined to participate and share their thoughts.  I also think it was good that we did timed writings in class to prepare, because I learned how to budget my time more effectively and what the graders were going to be looking for.  The multiple choice tests were good as well, because I was able to anticipate what kinds of questions were going to be on the actual test. 

So, overall, I think this year was a very good one, and I am very confident that I did well on the AP exam.

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