Sunday, February 15, 2015

How to... - Keanu Gomez

How to do a magic card trick...
  1. Count out 21 cards from a deck. It doesn’t matter what cards you get.
  2. Lay them out in three columns and seven rows.
  3. Get someone to pick a card in their head and tell them not to tell you.
  4. Ask them what column their card is in.
  5. Collect the cards by creating a pile for each column.
  6. Put the three piles together. Make the pile your spectator’s card is in, in between the two other piles.
  7. Deal out the deck again. You must make sure that you deal them out row by row (left to right). So deal out seven rows of three again.
  8. Ask your spectator what column their card is in now.
  9. Repeat steps 5-8 for a third time.
  10. As this trick is based on a mathematical principle, their card should now be exactly in the 4th row of the 2nd column.

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