Thursday, October 30, 2014

Kimba's Zombie Survival Guide

Against almost all known logic and reasoning, you find yourself in a zombie apocalypse. In between worrying about your loved ones and worrying about the whole of humanity itself, you realize you don't have an actual plan to survive. And so you, along with many people, are among the first to join the flesh-eating horde.

That was you. I am not you.

The first thing that I would do is find a secure location to hold up. A place with food, a decent roof, water, and multiple possible escape routes is best. However, that is long term. If none is in the immediate area, focus on making sure you get to safety at the very least. If you believe your current abode is not sufficient, make sure to take all supplies that you will NEED (medical supplies, food, water, etc.). That $1,000 PC isn't going to help much when a horde is trying to tear you apart. Make sure it's enough to last, but not enough to encumber you. You need to be light on your feet if you plan to survive as agility is always best versus zeds. If they can move faster, then the lighter weight will also make stealth and maneuvering faster and easier.

If you find survivors along the way, be less wary of these. People will be confused and hurting and still trying to piece the world they now live in together. Be sure though that these people look like they can be an asset. Elders, children and the sick/disabled are to be handled at your discretion. Think about how they may benefit you, but be sure not to lean to far on that air. That makes you no better than the creatures skulking around, waiting to eat you. Later on, once life has reached a point where the status quo is established (whether it be roving bands of people or small populations with miles of no-man's land in between), be VERY careful. People who survived up to that point have survived for a reason, whether they be morally wrong or right. That means these people may seem to be lucky , hapless survivors, or they could be part of a group of bandits looking for a sympathetic group to take them in so they can ruthlessly stab you in the back.

Speaking of killing, that brings me to my last point: Weapons. These not only include what you keep on you, but what you use to keep your camp safe. For personal weaponry, as said before, lighter is better. It's much better to be able to sneak past a roving group of zeds than to take them head-on. Your weapons should be used when you have to fight.The best thing to do is to pick something that fits you. For those that are weaker than others, a bladed or small weapon (such as a baton) are ideal. For someone with quite a bit of strength, you can use a hammer or shovel (Note: Bladed weapons are faster to wield, but are harder to kill due to their usual lack of range and reliance on others to die/suffer from bleeding wounds. Best vs. other humans. Blunt weapons are better vs zeds since they break bones. Even a zed will have trouble catching you with broken arms. They are much slower to use on others, so you must also make sure to hit, lest you expose your exposed shoulder to a starving zed or desperate bandit. Think of them as high risk, but high reward.) As far as sidearms go, any will do. Just remember that these are LAST RESORT. Emphasis on LAST. And aim for the head, but that's less important. A firearm will make noise, especially something bigger such as a shotgun or automatic rifle. Use only if you are noticed or if you need to eliminate a threat before it has a chance to get close.

Following these steps are just a base. Random events will happen. Events that very well may force you to change your life and the life of others. Events no one would've foreseen. Don't worry about these actions. They are the past, and looking in the past at a time like this will only bring sadness from loss and unwanted change. Keep looking forward for what you can do from that point and make sure that past mistakes don't happen again.

Happy scrounging!

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