Sunday, October 19, 2014

Lucy Macfarlan

Fears: Losing loved ones, gaining weight, caves, parasites. Oija boards
Annoyances: Racist/sexist/other wise bigoted people, people who don't think, people who try too hard to fit into a specific category.
Accomplishments: Singing in the chapel in Windsor castle
Confusion: How people can think that it's okay to oppress or belittle others, math
Sorrows: There's not enough time in life to do everything, learn everything, people who die alone or unloved
Dreams: To be wise, to discover something that changes human knowledge (archaeology), spend my life with someone who I love
Idiosyncrasies: I'm hypersensitive to things that are often outside of normal perception(feelings of people, energies of places, ghosts-I know I sound like a crazy person), blood makes me pass out
Risks: living in Mexico, giving myself a tattoo
Beloved possessions: Then: Ginger, my stuffed dog. Now: A ring that my boyfriend brought me from Guatemala
Problems: Need to be right, bossiness

Ever since I was a little kid I can remember being afraid of something. It has been a major struggle in my life to get over that fear that would grip me with even the mention of a roller coaster or a spider, but at this point I think that I can safely say that I've gotten over most of those fears. However, there are still a few things that scare the hell out of me. One of these fears, that really I hate myself for being self centered enough to have, is gaining weight. I have always struggled with my weight and the size that I am. Recently I've been much better, but I'm still in a constant struggle with  the voice insides head telling me that I'm not good enough. The other much more significant and much less superficial fear that I have is the fear of losing a loved one, I have long been aware and okay with my own mortality, but being left on earth without one of the people I love is beyond terrifying, often times of I even think about it it makes me sick.

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