Prompt 2: Comparison. We all compare ourselves to someone. Whether it be our parents, friends, or enemies. In your opinion, has ranking yourself based on others helped or hurt you? Is it difficult to not compare yourself to other people? What type of things do you compare in yourself and in others?
Prompt 3: Most Juniors in high school have somewhat of a plan after high school. Do you? If so, then what is it? If not, why not? Are you fully behind your plan for the future or is it your parents plans for you and you just want to satisfy them? Are you afraid for the future?
Re: Prompt 3: I have this shaky plan that I have been formulating since the end of eighth grade. I will graduate high school, go to college at my dream university, and then achieve my goal degree and career and be comfortable. Recently, I haven't been fully behind my plan. Ideas have crept into my brain and made me feel a little insecure about my plan. I keep thinking: "I might not get into my dream school, what then?" Also, I keep getting this aching feeling in my stomach whenever I think about after college. For example, "What if I don't get the job?" I have worked really hard all of high school and I just don't want all of my hard work and even isolation be for nothing. I have sacrificed so much and every time counselors bring up college, there is this constant nagging that I haven't done enough clubs, talked to the right people, or thought about the right things. I feel like I am behind EVERYONE and that I am ultimately going to fail at life.
Other than that, I also would like to go forth in a side project while in college but I am just not sure it will work out. It is one of those unstable careers that parents warn us about. But, at the same time, I am weirdly passionate about it and I want to eventually pursue it after college without a doubt. I am glad that my parents have been honest that they want to see me go to college (which is the goal) and be successful and we are both behind the same goal, I guess. I am afraid of the unknown that the future presents but I know that God will see me through for one, and my family is there for me also. I can't wait to see what my future holds but I know this is one of the most important times of my life and I am terrified, yet motivated to get through it and be successful.
I would like to leave off with one of my favorite quotes:
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