Sunday, October 19, 2014

"I never had to choose my subject- my subject rather chose me"- Mikaela Gatewood

Writing Territories: 
Fears- dying, failure, the people I love dying
Annoyances- people who try too hard, people rubbing their hands together
Accomplishments- staying in touch with my friends from Colorado, managing to not get lost while wandering around Paris
Confusions- people who aren't ok with gay marriage
Sorrows- moving away from my friends, animal abuse (or generally any abuse)
Dreams- traveling to all the places on my travel bucket list
Idiosyncrasies- flailing around when I dance, squealing when I see a dog
Risks- climbing up onto a very high, very steep, and very easy to fall off rooftop in Paris
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then- a stuffed panda bear named Ling Ling (then) and the scrapbook my best friends made when I moved (now)
Problems- procrastination, lack of motivation (kinda the same thing I guess)

At the end of freshman year, I was given a scrapbook. Normally scrapbooks are pretty cheesy, and usually given or made by older family members who pass them along every so often. But this scrapbook was, in fact, made by a group of 7 freshman girls. It was given to me at my going away party, approximately a month before I was set to move to Kentucky. It's not necessarily a typical scrapbook, as those are usually filled with just pictures documenting a couple years. Instead, this scrapbook had a custom page made by each of the 7 girls, my best friends, who had contributed to the project. The pages contained stickers, jokes, long letters about our experiences together, funny quotes we had said, and of course, some pictures. It meant a lot to me, not only that they had taken the time to make something so special for me, but that I got to see a collection of all the memories and things I loved about my friends, and the time I spent with them. I still look at it quite a bit, mostly when I miss Colorado. It's a great reminder of how much people can still care about you, regardless of if you're there with them or a 1,000 miles away. It sounds cheesy, but it's by far my most prized possession, and something I know I'll keep for the rest of my life.

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