Sunday, October 5, 2014

Kimba Butts: My Own Adventure

Prompt 1: Many varying schools, Henry Clay and LCA being two examples, have programs that are designed for people who are deemed "Gifted and Talented". These programs all focus on increasing someone's abilities to think critically on the liberal arts (math, science, social studies, etc. etc.). However the other arts, such as dance or painting, are either neglected or pushed to the side. Can't someone be a genius extraordinaire and be extraordinarily creative? If so, why would they limit us in that sense. If not, why can't we?

Prompt 2: "If you want a good job, you have to go to college." This line was spoken by many parents in the US 20 or so years ago who wanted their child or children to succeed. Back then it was simple, do good in school, go to a good college, get a nice diploma, apply for a job that diploma pertains to and, bam, you're a successful person of society. Fast forward to today, that same person who got a PhD in private college is now working as a mechanic in an auto shop. What would cause such drastic changes like this to occur in society? And why would a change like this become so quickly ingrained?

Prompt 3: In many ways, video games are just like movies. There are different genres that appeal to a certain group of people, there are the really great classics that some people who liked one movie/game just have to watch/play, and there are actors who make varying wages and are of varying popularity among their viewers/gamers. If that's true, do you think people who watch movies would enjoy video games as well? And vice versa? Ex. (Disregard if not well-versed in video games or movies) Would someone who likes to watch movies like "Friday the Thirteenth" enjoy playing "Resident Evil"? Or if someone watched "Lord of the Rings", would they like to play "Shadow of Mordor"?  

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