Monday, December 1, 2014

Flying Turkeys- Maddie Wheeler

My family is very vanilla. For thanksgiving we usually keep it pretty simple and just invite my older siblings. My two grandmothers live with me so it's not a huge traveling deal. Yes, we break out the extra crock pot and the thanksgiving exclusive plates and of course we all wear our loose pants. Me and my mother do most of the cooking, though my grandma always comes down and helps me make an apple pie. I enjoy the holiday very much all things considering. Something about it though always makes people bicker. I don't think there has ever been a thanksgiving at my house where my parents haven't fought over something stupid and trivial like bread or football or which Sirius radio station we should be listening to it. I often find comic relief in this though, because I get to take my moms side so she gives me money to go shopping the next day and then I get to chase my dad around the house with food he hates and attempt (and always succeed) at shoving it in his mouth. It's a funny holiday to my family, we don't really focus on the actual history and being Americans. We just like to eat and bicker and continue to be a typical American family where the women cook, and the men watch football. So very vanilla.

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