Sunday, November 9, 2014

When I first came to Henry Clay from
a tiny private school, I didn't know anyone and I felt a little bit shy in most of my classes. I didnt have any friends yet and I was envious of the people who had friends from middle school. As shy as I was, it was hard for me to fit myself into one of the preexisting friend groups. My freshman year in my Biology class (and most of my classes as a matter of fact) I met Rachel Lush. She was and is nothing like me. I doubt that we have anything in common, but the one thing that stuck out was that she was nice to me. When everyone else was into their own thing, Rachel would always address me, often in a playfully dumb way, but still it was a bit of a life saver having that one extra nice and friendly person. I now know that Rachel was just being how she is: Loud, silly, unfiltered. To some, this exuberance may come off as ditzy or frivolous, but I know that it's just a product of unfiltered friendliness. Since then, because our last names are so close together and we end up in the same classes and testing rooms together, we've developed what I would consider to be a grudging friendship. She says dumb things to get a rise out of me and I play along and act like she's an idiot( even though she definitely isn't). Rachel and I have nothing in common, and yet because of the kindness that she has shown, I have a deep respect and admiration for her. Plus, she does killer cat eye eyeliner, I don't how she does it but I'm impressed.

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