Sunday, November 23, 2014
Changes- Andrew Hardy
In light of the recent ISIL execution my patience has thinned. No longer can Americans sit idly by as Americans are murdered at home and abroad. Human life as established from Locke to the UN Declaration of Human Rights is one of the most fundamental aspects of our worlds. There can be no arguments for other basis of morality if their is no life upon which to execute such rules. The murderers and terrorists commit not only the worst crime against their victims but against humanity when they end a human life. These actions are intolerable, and we must seek to find justice in a world so marred. Upon careful examination, the only conclusion I can reach is that those who end others lives operate on such a radically different set of values that their disregard for human life illustrates that they are not true human beings. To my current knowledge, they are not reptilian humanoids or other evil forces parading in our midst, but they might as well be, for how foreign their actions must be. In order to preserve the essential quality of humanity I suggest that these beasts be exterminated. In light of recent events it becomes obvious that warfare, whether tactical or large scale land invasions is impossible to prevent the continuation of violence. Therefore the only logical solution I can propose is massive thermonuclear detonation. Approximately six one-hundred megaton nuclear bombs could irradiate all of Syria(via NukeMap), and would stop much of the violence in the world. But with the effectiveness of such a measure-no more violence in that area-why stop there? The United States has a sixty-three percent unsolved murder rate. Can we allow such a large number of brutes to roam our country? This is true for most developed countries and even higher for developing countries. It would take an estimated ninety-five hundred twenty megaton bombs to cover all of the Earth's surface but I propose a simpler solution. In Sagan and Ehlrich's book The Cold and Dark they calculate that only two-hundred single megaton bombs could produce enough dust and radiation that photosynthesis would end. Without food, these demons within our ranks would perish and we'd be forever free of murder.
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