Sunday, November 30, 2014

Assignment 14 :Flying Turkeys- Tora Sellers

My Thanksgivings fit the stock image fairly well. I got down to Georgia to meet my dad’s side of the family every year. We have a big lunch with good southern food, and lay around the house for the remainder of the day. The next day, my cousin and I get woken up around 10 or 11 o’clock to meet everybody else (who’s been shopping all morning) to take pictures. The pictures are probably one of the only things that have stayed truly consistent at thanksgiving from year to year. As long as I can remember, every black Friday, my two brothers, two cousins, and I have a group picture professionally taken. I don’t know why or when it began, but we take the same pictures every single year. I always thought it was a drag when I was younger, but being a little bit older now, I’m glad that we’ve done it. One day, when we stop seeing each other every year, I would like to look back at the photos, and see them all in order from the first time we took pictures together to the last.

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