Friday, November 28, 2014

Assignment 13: Changes! - Thomas Stokes

Shouldn't everyone be equal? Why do we let everyone go about their lives without consequence when there are the disabled and injured that can't compete? We should hold back or put the same constraints on those who don't have to suffer these setbacks or difficulties. Everyone should be on equal ground when trying to succeed. We could give everyone blacked out glasses and put noise cancelling headphones on them to block out some senses. How about tying arms behind backs so that everyone can be truly equal. How about we clamp balls and chains to peoples feet so that no one can even physically move faster than anyone else? All of these options can be adjusted to be lighter or more severe for individuals as well. But how would we issue these restraints? How about if we have one or two people who are put in charge of making them and making sure everyone else follows through with it. Then everyone would be equal in every way.

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