Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Future - Taylor Stewart

The year, like most things I describe, was okay. It wasn't extraordinary in any aspect, and all I really did was muddle through it. I have made a few successes, and many of my failures were unreached opportunities. I made a few new friends this year, which was a goal of mine. Academically, I've fared well - I haven't gotten terrible grades, managed to stay awake most of the time, got a 35 on my ACT, GSP acceptance, etc. Now it sounds like I'm bragging, so we should balance it out with failures. I still haven't applied for my permit after 7 months of being 16, I don't have a job, and in general just not making much of the progress I see my peers making. There you go.

I'd love to say I have learned many things this year, but I don't know how much I can put into words. Something superficial, for example - I learned better ways of organizing things. See? superficial af

I typically think of myself as a fairly proactive person, but that seems to be less and less the case now. Maybe I'm just burned out from school? Because it took me an extreme amount of time to gather the energy to do this post. I used to be so excited about them. Maybe not excited, just eager? Something like that.

I've made small amounts of artistic progress this year, which will hopefully be exacerbated next year, when I do independent art study with Shu. I have also discovered a ton of new bands, which means more to me than most things. This summer I'd like to learn guitar, but mostly just relax. Work on my disc tossing skills, spend time with my lovely younger sisters (who will be turning one and three this summer), and homework, of course. I'm going to GSP, hopefully at Bellarmine, so that will take up a large chunk of my summer.

For my senior year I would just love not to be exhausted with school, which may very well be the case. Senioritis? Kind of. As I've said, I'm quite excited for the art class I'm taking, which will be totally rad. I actually think my mentoring project will be pretty interesting, I'm researching with a professor at UK who is not a boring old guy at all.

I plan to reach my goals by muddling through. Just kidding, I'll be super proactive and everything, u kno me
this is the future

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