Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets - Thomas Stokes

I didn't think I'd be writing a bucket list in high school. I always figured it was one of those things you did in your middle ages when you had disposable income and were able to actually do a lot of different things.

The number one thing on my High School bucket list would be to take a road trip to who knows where with my friends.
I feel like this is something that a lot of people will or have done, and I don't want to miss out on the experience. I imagine going to see maybe a nearby tourist attraction or just going to like a theme park or something. It could be a trip of any magnitude, I would just be glad to get out with my buddies and have a good time!

The number one thing on my college bucket list would be to attend a major Magic: the Gathering tournament.
I've been an avid MtG player since 8th grade, and it's been a goal of mine to become a pretty decent player. I'd love to sign up for a tournament and get out, see whatever town it's in, and play against some skilled competitors! It's a challenge I'd love to live up to, and test my skill.

The number one thing on my life bucket list would have to be to travel.
I know many other people can be more eloquent in their descriptions of it, or may have a better reason for it, but I just really want to travel. Travelling is a wonderful experience and being able to expose yourself to as much culture as possible is always a good thing, and it's crazy fun to just go see whatever you can, and to eat new foods and meet new people.

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