I'm not sure if I have a definite opinion on the effect modern electronics have on our life. They're definitely a prevalent part of it. One of the things Apple succeeded at was the saturation of personal computers and then devices into everyday life. More evident then when televisions and refrigerators entered into the home in the 50's, most people's lives are filled with technology that they don't understand, let alone replicate them. But this change is not as radical as some believe. There have been advances in human civilization such as writing, agriculture, or the division of labour, and they've changed how we think and process information. Neurons within the brain do react to stimuli, but it's not anything new to this era, or is it ever drastic. The mediums we use, from engraving, to print to word processors may change, but the content doesn't. Literary archetypes have remained consistent. We might be consuming it in different forms, but the words of Shakespeare or Belwoulfe still appeal to the same emotions humans always hold.
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