Sunday, September 7, 2014

Johnathan Morris

Nowadays everywhere you look you see technology, whether it's a cell phone, computer, car, lightpost, or microwave, it's almost impossible to go somewhere without it. I use technology everyday and I cant't imagine life without it. I'd actually have to talk to people and go to a library to find information instead of just staring at my phone. Our technology that we have today makes doing anything so much easier than it was in the past. The internet will help us with any question or problem we have, from math homework to cupcake recipes. Or if you're bored you can get on a game console or computer or even your phone and choose between thousands of games to play.Technology will forever progress because there's always a way to make things easier, which is hard to believe considering how much we already rely on technology. Which brings me to my opinion tht technology makes life easier not necessarily better.

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