Sunday, September 7, 2014

iWrite - Keanu Gomez

Technology has certainly played a major role in my life. It has found its way into almost every aspect of it. From my experiences, technology has affected me in a positive way. It provides many ways to make life easier and better. Cell phones help me interact with others in a more convenient way and they also help with doing last-minute assignments from school.  Likewise, they also provide a means of entertainment. Computers and other electronic devices can now allow you to play an assortment of games. For me, technology has only been an inconvenience when it doesn’t do what I want it to. In many other teenagers today, the negative impacts of technology can be seen in cell phones. Many students have become almost inseparable with their phone and some can no longer function properly without one. If I had grown up 20 years ago, communicating with far people would be really difficult, especially for me because I have a friend in Louisville who I text frequently. Without being able to have the convenience of sending a text on my phone, communicating with them will be a long process. If this were to happen, my relationships would more than likely be with near-by people who are just walking-distance away. So, obviously, I would prefer to live in this time period. Maybe in the future, more wearable technologies will be developed and AI systems will become even more reliable. When this happens, technology will become an even more (literally) inseparable item from our society.

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