Sunday, September 14, 2014

Come to the dark side, Luke- Maddie Wheeler

I don't care what you say; life is consistent of shades of grey. Rarely, if ever at all, is there a black and white decision. Everything is subjective and contextual to who you are and what is around you. Good people do bad things, bad people do good things. There is no way to ultimately define what is good and what is evil, so I don't understand what the obsession with it is. Yes, it is easier to have strong opinions than neutral ones, the rules are strict, and you know what to do. This may be why we have political parties. The human race likes to categorize things. It is easier. Imagine the political system on a scale as large as the US’s, and then imagine it where everyone is an independent. Imagine the chaos. Now think about the system where no one is an independent. Imagine the wars. The human race wants to categorize, and sometimes it works. Sometimes it totally doesn't. Bottom line; it is impossible to live in a universe of black and white, of good and evil. Everything is subjective.

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