Monday, January 19, 2015

Buckets- Jessica Nelson

*The things showing up in white aren't meant to be emphasized, it did that on it's own and I can't fix it*

Before the end of high school:
1. Nail down a scholarship
2. Have a solid group of friends (the last time I even can close to that was 8th grade and the 2 girls I associated train wrecked and it's something I'd like to move past)
3.  Have a class rank in the top 20
4. Get a blood draw
5. Lose at least 20 more pounds
6. Perform at least once
7. Get my gold award (highest award in Girl Scouting)
8. Finish writing at least 2 good original songs
9. Develop good study habits (I have been getting by on my horrible ones but if I continue how I have been going college is going to hit me like a bus)

1. Keep off all the weight I've lost
2. Fall in love with a major/career
3. Study Abroad
4. Have a close relationship with at least 1 family member
5. Maintain a friendship with at least 1 person from my childhood/teenage years (probably the later since I have already missed the boat on the former)

1. Adopt a child
2. Volunteer consistently with an organization throughout my life (I was raised on volunteering and I have always found more joy in helping and pleasing others than myself and I never want to lose or forget that.)
3. Defeat my phobia of needles
4. Become more self confident
5. Have a happy and lasting marriage
6. Buy my mom an ark (not the Noah kind, I'm not really one for religion anymore, this ark is sold through Heifer international, a charity that gives animals to families in struggling 3rd world communities and when the animal has a babies the family must pass one on to another family, so eventually many families will have animals to stimulate the economy and supply food. The ark has 2 of each animal Heifer international offers, so I guess it is kind of like Noah's, and it costs $5000. My mom told me once it was her dream to buy one, and I feel a sense of duty to carry the dream on and fulfill it since it's likely she never will.)

Number 1 item for high school:
Get my gold award for girl scouts. This is no small feat. The gold is the highest award in girl scouting and it requires an 80 hour (minimum) service project that has to be self sustaining and fit many other rules. I already have my idea, supplies, and adult mentor, for now my biggest hurdle is getting through the 2 smaller awards I must earn first in order to begin which both involve an absurd amount of paperwork but I should be able to complete the project before I graduate.

Number 1 item for college:
Have a close relationship with one family member. In the past 8 years I have lost an above average amount of family members and we are somewhat isolated from the ones who remain. The tragedies keep coming and I'd just like to feel that close familial bond a lot of people cherish before I lose any chance of ever getting to experience that.

Number 1 item for life:

Adopt a child. I've always know that I want to have a child one day. For almost all my life I have loved kids and been told that I am good at "motherly" type things. But I don't think, at least for now, that I actually want to have kids. Instead I plan to adopt them. As I have learned more and more about the conditions and effects of orphanages I found fault with the idea bringing another child into the world when there are millions already here that need help and would love you just as much if not more than a child you produced. For abandoned kids you're not just a provider, you're their savior, you've given them a 2nd shot at life and I find that beautiful I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your weight loss. I've lost 20lbs since July 1 and maintaining the loss and even losing more has been a struggle!


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