When I first read this question I was going to say my usual favorite quote "Never be average because it's as close to the bottom as it is to the top, so always strive for 110%". But I realized that that's not the advice that's made me who I am today. What caused me to be the way that I am is something my Aunt and mother told me in 5th grade. Don't be a follower, be a leader.
Once my family told me that I began to live by it. This is what made me the blunt, "I don't care what everybody else is doing" kind of person. I realized that if I were to be this conformist, the true me would never be seen. I wouldn't voice my opinions or dare to be different. It doesn't matter what jim or bob does it matters what I what I feel is right. This is why I don't do what the crowd is doing. I couldn't become the successful and driven person that I am now. But because I'm a leader and set my own expectations for myself, I am growing as person and know my place in life.
you are pretty amazing. i have no doubt that you will be the leader you are striving for.