Sunday, January 18, 2015

Buckets and Buckets- Kayla Beebout

Before I finish High School:

1.       Learn to play Für Elise on the piano
2.       Read Gone With the Wind
3.       Get my driver’s license


Before I finish College:

1.       Go to England (hopefully study abroad)

2.       Go on a road trip with a friend

3.       See a midnight premier of a movie I’m excited about

4.       Knit a blanket

5.       Visit a castle


Before I finish Living:

1.       Become an author

2.       Get married and have a family

3.       Foster/adopt kids

4.       Go to New Zealand (to see the Lord of the Rings sets they left up and all of the beautiful scenery)

5.       Swim with dolphins

6.       Ride a horse on the beach

7.       Learn how to fence

8.       Learn how to play another instrument (violin, maybe)

9.       Go white water rafting


High School: I have always loved music, and started playing the piano when I was in elementary school.  I stopped taking lessons in middle school, but began taking them again recently.  I absolutely love it, and I’m always ready to try new kinds of music.  One of my uncles, when I told him I played piano, asked me if I could play Für Elise.  He said it was his favorite classical music piece, so ever since then I have wanted to get better at piano so I can learn to play it.

College:  I have already written about why I want to go to England in another blog post, so now I’ll say why I want to study abroad there.  The universities in England are spectacular, and when studying abroad you get a longer and broader experience of life somewhere else than you normally would if you just took a vacation.  I think it would be cool to experience college life in another country, and since I’m going to be an English major I think it would be great to study in a country where so many of the world’s great authors lived or still live.

Life:  When people ask me what I want to do with my life, I say that I want to write.  There’s just something about putting the right words in the right places that I love.  I know that actually becoming an author is a difficult task, and I may not be able to accomplish it just yet, but before I die, I want to be able to tell people I am a published author.  I want to be able to make people feel and see things they have never felt or seen before.  Maybe I’ll inspire someone.  That would be one of the best legacies of all: to inspire someone else to pursue their dreams as I pursued mine.

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