Monday, January 19, 2015

Buckets and Buckets - Taylor Stewart

Note: a "bucket list" isn't something I think about too often, and I certainly haven't written it out before this moment. I'd definitely say that for me, it's a living list, and is constantly changing as I add and subtract from it (mostly add). Another thing - above all, it is my goal not to get caught up in these plans I'm formulating. I mean, I love thinking I know exactly what I want to do with my life, but if I can accept the changes and fluctuations in my "master plan" that are bound to occur, I'll be that much happier.

High school:
1. not procrastinating on college prep
2. continue to create art (outside of school)
3. assimilate fully into the HC ultimate team
4. get one teacher not to hate me omg
5. come up with some incredible  never-before-seen senior prank and involve lynnsey somehow
8. be able to actually pull a disc (maybe even in a game)

Though it's not really a bucket list thing, my most relevant high school goal is to enjoy the experience. As much as I'd love just to get the heck out of secondary school and move on with my life, I realize that I'll probably regret rushing through it later in my life.

1. maintaining figure skating as a part of my life
2. take an art class, and maybe something else more out of my comfort zone
3. study abroad. Literally anywhere. I think the experience of another culture is vital to my college experience.
4. protest something
5. get a slide whistle like that one episode of spongebob and just troll everyone on campus one day
6. live like larry
7. if wherever I end up going does not have an ultimate frisbee team I'm totally going to start one
** I would include my intended major/college here (predentistry/Otterbein), but I feel like that's not really so much a bucket list thing as it is a plan subject to change. For me, it's more important to be open-minded. This applies to the career aspect of the next section.

The most important of these is probably taking classes that I wouldn't normally take, and exposing myself to a variety of ideas and people.

1. see Nada Surf live (and a ton of other bands duh but this one's the most important)
2. attend the winter olympics (notice I did not say participate)
3. current-career-aspiration: dentistry (as I said, this is tenuous and not concrete)
4. travel in general, I definitely want to go to Spain and Denmark
5. have a family and establish traditions
6. I actually have a lot of random house goals such as a rainfall shower and giant slide laundry chute type thing
7. go skydiving
8. be a groovy old lady

The idea of having a cohesive family unit with all these rad traditions really, really appeals to me. It's something that I'm honestly not too familiar with, and I want to change that for my (supposed) children.

1 comment:

  1. love the slide whistle goal!
    what kind of family traditions would you like to start? as the wife you will have greater control over said traditions (at least in my experience) so be sure to go "all-out!"


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