Sunday, January 18, 2015

Assignment 18: Buckets and Buckets-Tora Sellers

                I, right now in this moment, cannot possibly think of anything more that I could want before graduation, besides absolute assurance that I am going to be accepted into the University I would like to attend. Obviously, because I have not even started studying for college entrance exams, I will not get what I want. But I can say that my #1 goal before I graduate high school is to decide for sure which Universities I am going to apply to and begin studying and preparing for the exams. This to me like a sad end to my life as an American teenager when I could be having fun instead…
                Before graduating from college, I’d like to have a little more fun.  Because I intend to attend university in Japan, my nation of birth (however not the nation I was raised in), I would like to get to know the country which I have only ever visited, this time by being a semi-permanent resident for the first time since infancy.  I would like to explore as much of the country as I can, and become closer to the friends which I leave behind every two years upon returning to the United States.

                After this stage of my life is over and I graduate from the University that I (hopefully) got into by working hard, I don’t intend to immediately enter the workforce. Why? Because I think that would be a terrible decision.  I want to explore the world before I die, and following graduation from college seems like the optimal time because I would be young, independent, and lustful for knowledge about the world.  Hopefully, during my travels, I will gradually be able to separate myself from money and technology. I hope to be able to spend my (hopefully) best year(s) of my life relying only on myself and other people I meet, instead of relying solely on cash or an iPhone to get whatever I want.

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