Thursday, August 28, 2014

Howdy - Alex Wyllie

Hello world.
I, as you probably already know, am Alex Wyllie. I am the creator of many Quizlet classes, incredibly long and detailed presentations (I think my 90-minute record still holds), and of the all new Henry Clay Quizlet Club. This year, I am aiming for a 5 on every single one of my five AP tests, and I seek to maintain my presidency of the Henry Clay JCL (I am currently the only candidate for president, but there is a small chance I don't win), all while spreading Quizlet throughout Henry Clay. I am considering running for the presidency of the Kentucky JCL, and I look forward to any new academic challenges or opportunities this year. I am an Apple fan, and justified so having used Windows and Linux in the past. I remember a lot of things (partially thanks to Quizlet, large sets of notes and spreadsheets), so feel free to ask me any questions about school stuff.

The Quizlet club is being organized by LTC Brown and I, with the goal of consistently spreading Quizlet throughout the school with as few errors, problems, or complications as possible. If you are interested (and community service is being offered), let us know by applying for the class, linked above, and we'll let you in at the first meeting on Wednesday, September 3. A Quizlet account is required.

For everyone that's made it this far, have a link to my twitter. It's for stuff. Anything and many things me.

And now, for a picture of me atop the Žižkov tower in Prague, Czech Republic:

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