Sunday, April 26, 2015

Perfect Playlist- Mikaela Gatewood

A playlist for taking naps at 2 pm on a Sunday afternoon

1) Still Together- Mac Demarco; Mac Demarco's music is laid back in general. But with the use of only an acoustic guitar and Demarco's raw vocals, this song is especially sweet and light hearted. The song ends with Demarco attempting to wake his girlfriend Kiki up (assumably who the song itself is about), giving it an endearing personal touch.

2) Sunday Morning- The Velvet Underground; aside from the name obviously contributing to the theme of the playlist, Sunday Morning generally reminds me of the lazy resting moments. Quite often everything in the world can seem to catch up to you all at once, and it's when you take these quiet moments that you find solstice.

3) Petulia- The Kooks; I've loved this song since freshman year. It's a simple love song with beautiful metaphors. It's sweet and well thought out, probably one of the reasons why it's stuck with me for so long.

4) "Let's Play"/Statue of a Man- Mutual Benefit; Andrew showed me this one actually, which might be why I like it so much. Other than that, it's a good folksy song that has great vocals. It reminds me of the kind of song that would play in the background of a movie where the main characters were walking through a field or forest. While that might not be your type of scene, I find it quite nice.

5) I Think Ur A Contra- Vampire Weekend; While there are much better Vampire Weekend songs, this is one of their only slower songs. It's an interesting end to their second album, and an interesting end to this playlist. It gives off almost an eery vibe, while still managing to put you at ease. I mainly listen to this when I want to stare off into space and day dream for a while.

In general, all of these songs could probably put you to sleep. None of them have a super upbeat tempo and most are acoustic, or at least close to it. What makes it perfect for a Sunday afternoon nap, however, are the sweet and simple messages that each of them relay. To me, Sunday's are your time for sleeping in late, sipping hot chocolate in bed, and appreciating the sun streaming in past your curtains. All of these songs define the day's simplistic and beautiful nature, at least for me.

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