What "geeks"-or interests- me the most is the suburbs. Living in a southern-midwestern town that is almost exclusively formed from suburbs, I have an acute relationship with them. What I'm specifically interested in are the thoughts and mediums constructed or influenced by suburban and internet-era living. Things traditionally considered urban or rural hip-hip, folk music, fashion, animal raising, are no longer defined or restricted by the location of your dwelling. With the popularization of the internet and the loosening of soci-economic classes there are no longer borders to the mass of media that has been produced. As James Murphy in the 2005 song "Losing My Edge" sprechgesangs "I'm losing my edge to the Internet seekers who can tell me every member of every good group from 1962". This blending does not apply only to consumption. Musical or artistic genres are no longer accurate terms to describe objects because their creators have no boundaries in their inspiration. I'm much more interested in the objects that are created because of this rather than the suburbs themselves. It's an interesting correlation though.I Also I want to fly.
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